Saturday, January 10, 2009

Winter Fun

Well, since we got a really big snow on the week-end, Abby got to go outside and play with both her dad and big brother. She had a blast. She played in the snow, made snow angels, used her shovel, and even got pulled around on a sled. The best part of all was when Dad and Aaron started to make a snow fort. They found out it wasn't the good type of snow to make one, so they made a slope on the big snow mound. Now Abby could slide down the slope and out onto the driveway. She laughed out loud every time she went down the hill and you could tell she was having so much fun. We finished out the fun with mugs of hot chocolate and marshmallows. Too bad Paul wasn't here to ride down the hill. I bet he would have had a lot of fun too. Oh well, maybe it will still be there when he comes up next time. Even Bailey had fun.

Abby's Big Christmas Present

Monday, January 05, 2009


She's finally ours!! We were emailed by our agency today and told that we would be receiving our Letter of Approval from China before the end of this week. That means I can tell everyone about her and show everyone pictures of her. I'm thinking we will travel either in February or March. If we go in March it will be exactly 2 years since we were in China getting Abby. The first picture was taken on September 5, 2008 and the 2nd picture was taken April 6, 2008. She is now 3 years old and will be 2 months younger than Abby. We will be traveling to Hubei, China this time.